You’ll Enjoy Your Kitchen More with a High-Tech Smart Stove
Home appliances in the kitchen are now becoming part of the IoT (the internet of things). In essence, IoT means anything that is connected to the internet, or devices that are connected together. These connected devices, when paired with automated systems, can gather information, analyze it, and create an action that helps a user with …. Read More
Fun Ways to Stay Active this Fall
With the arrival of fall, many people have likely given up on their fitness routine, as they no longer have to worry about flaunting a perfectly sculpted summer-body—the season of dressing warm and packing on layers is upon us. However, some people may not have achieved the summer body of their dreams this season and …. Read More
Alberto Salazar, World Records, and Athletics’ Greatest ‘Hug’
Nicholas Thompson: OMG, what is happening? It’s the week of the World Championships, and there are two other cataclysmic stories in our sport. Kenenisa Bekele sneaks out of his retirement home and somehow almost sets a world record in the marathon. And Alberto Salazar, the most successful coach in the country, gets a four-year ban for doping violations right …. Read More