Month: February 2020

Sony Unveils Its Newest Electric Concept Car Prototype and It’s Promising

Sony Unveils Its Newest Electric Concept Car Prototype and It’s Promising

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Sony stole the show at this year’s CES with its futuristic concept car, the Vision-S. Unlike other cars of its kind like Ford’s Mustang Mach-E and its 15.5-inch touchscreen in the center of the dashboard, the Vision-S integrates Sony’s newest technologies in a practical way both inside and outside. Although state-of-the-art, Sony won’t be mass ….  Read More

Alphabet’s Chief Legal Officer David Drummer Leaves Company Amidst Sexual Misconduct Scandals

Alphabet’s Chief Legal Officer David Drummer Leaves Company Amidst Sexual Misconduct Scandals

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David Drummond, the chief legal officer of Google’s subsidiary, Alphabet, has decided that he will be leaving the company. This comes after Drummond was at the center of many sexual misconduct scandals throughout his career and after he sold $200 million worth of Alphabet stock. The end of his 18-year career with the giant company ….  Read More

Make Your Restaurant’s Margins Work with This Sophisticated Software

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Every restaurateur knows that running a successful restaurant business means a lot more than serving delicious food — this ultra competitive industry is all about satisfying the bottom line. The word “efficiency” is sometimes used incorrectly, to mean cost-cutting resulting in a reduction of service or product quality. A true efficiency means delivering to customers the exact ….  Read More