Tesla’s Stocks Keep Rising
The Tesla company’s shares recently increased 20%, or $129, making its market value an astounding $140.6 billion. That is more than U.S. automakers GM, Ford and Chrysler are worth, combined. This, even though those three companies sell more cars in two weeks than Tesla in a whole year. This is part of an increase that …. Read More
Find Your New Best Financial Friend with the Best Budgeting Apps
No matter how you swing it for some people, budgeting is dreadful. The idea of going to the bank and making an appointment with a financial advisor can be nerve-wracking or absolutely tedious to sit in a small room talking about interest rates and savings plans that you don’t really understand. That’s why there are …. Read More
Google Search Results Have a New Look
Google recently changed how search results looked, and some Google users were angry and felt the change was about more than just looks. Google Explains Why the Change Was Made Google stated that the change was to made to mirror the look of results on mobile, for a more modern look, and for more consistency …. Read More
Canon to Release One of the Most Powerful Mirrorless Cameras
In the past decade, mirrorless cameras have been on the rise in popularity threatening the status of traditional DSLR cameras that have dominated the market since the first creation of imaging technology that worked with a digital sensor by Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith in 1969. DSLRs are not passé in any sense …. Read More
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip Phone is Full of Innovation
Samsung has recently come out with the Galaxy Z flip phone, improving on earlier flip phone attempts and avoiding mistakes from rival flip phone producers. Here are 5 outstanding features of the Z Flip: 1. The Fold In a foldable device the fold itself can be the most difficult thing to get right, and the …. Read More
Was the Motive Behind Jeff Bezos Leaked Explicit Photos for Financial or Political Gain
The story unraveled to the public in January 2019 when Jeff Bezos announced his divorce from his wife, Mackenzie Bezos. Hours later, the National Enquirer revealed the extramarital affair Jeff Bezos had with Lauren Sanchez after a four-month investigation following the couple. The big announcement was rumored to be Bezos attempt to get ahead of …. Read More
Google Decides Favicons Are Not the Way to Go
In 2019, Google announced that there would be changes to its search result page design that would improve the user’s experience visually while also providing better, credible results. Google recently rolled out its new design that identified each result with a favicon representing each website, reflecting its mobile layout. Favicons are meant to give websites …. Read More
Everything You Wanted to Know About the 404 Error Code
The 404 error code is a universal experience of frustration for computer users, because it indicates an unforeseen problem. What an Error Code Is An error code is an error message that has been assigned a numerical code. The code 404 is displayed when an Internet address cannot be found. Worse, it is a “client …. Read More
Israel’s Take on Cybersecurity
Israel has surpassed China as the preferred place to apply venture capital (VC) investments in cybersecurity companies outside the U.S. The Amount of Investment into Israeli Cybersecurity To put the amount of investment into Israeli cybersecurity into numbers, in 2018, start-ups in Israel received almost 20% of the global VC cybersecurity investments, totalling $1.19 billion. …. Read More
Jack Ma Makes $14.5 Million Donation to Further Coronavirus Vaccine Efforts
2020 didn’t have a great start with rumors WWIII breaking out, climate disasters all over the world, Kobe Bryant’s untimely death, and the coronavirus outbreak. With the whole world dealing with their own natural disasters, WWIII didn’t hold much water in reality, plus the coronavirus posed and continues to pose a more imminent threat. When …. Read More